I listed all the academic materials I have crafted so far. Please feel free to read and cite (if you end up using them). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you think to do so.
The articles written in English have blue links or blue table cells. The articles written in Thai have red links or red table cells.
Peer Reviewed Articles
Heene, M., Maraun, M., Glushko, N., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (in press). The devil is mainly in the nuisance parameters: Performance of structural fit indices under misspecified structural models in SEM. Meta-Psychology.
Pimrabiab, P., Bovornusvakool, W., & Pornprasertmanit, S., Triukose, S., & Srinutapong, S. (2021). The moderating effect of perceived online privacy risk on the relationship between merchant characteristics and willingness to disclose personal data. Creative Business and Sustainability Journal, 43(4), 38-59. Paper
Inthuyos, N., Chaiwutikornwanich, A., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (2021). "Everyone else does it": Influence of colleagues’ cheating and psychological mechanisms on individuals’ cheating in an organization. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42, 770-778. Paper.
Kelley, K., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (2016). Confidence intervals for population reliability coefficients: Evaluation of methods, recommendations, and software for homogeneous composite measures. Psychological Methods, 21, 69-92. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Schneider, W. J. (2014). Accuracy in parameter estimation in cluster randomized designs. Psychological Methods, 19, 356-379. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Lee, J., & Preacher, K. J. (2014). Ignoring clustering in confirmatory factor analysis: Some consequences for model fit and standardized parameter estimates. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 49, 518-543. Paper. Online Appendices.
Schoemann, A. S., Miller, P. J., Pornprasertmanit, S., & Wu, W. (2014). Using Monte Carlo simulations to determine power and sample size for planned missing designs. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38, 471-479. Paper.
Hogue, C. M., Pornprasertmanit, S., Fry, M. D., Rhemtulla, M., & Little, T. D. (2013). Planned missing data designs for spline growth models in salivary cortisol research. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 17, 310-325. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Wu, W., & Little, T. D. (2013). Using a Monte Carlo approach for nested model comparisons in structural equation modeling. In R. E. Millsap, L. A. van der Ark, D. M. Bolt, & C. M. Woods (Eds.), Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics (pp. 187-197). New York: Springer. Paper.
Geldhof, G. J., Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A. M., & Little, T. D. (2013). Orthogonalizing through residual centering: Extended applications and caveats. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73, 27-46. Paper. Supplemental Materials.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Little, T. D. (2012). Determining directional dependency in causal associations. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 36, 313-322. Paper. Commented Paper. Rejoinder. Appendix A: Mathematical Proof. Appendix B: R Script. Appendix C: Simulation Study on the target paper's guideline.
Other Published Articles
Jorgensen, T. D., Garnier-Villarreal, M., Pornprasertmanit, S., & Lee, J. (2019). Small-variance priors can prevent detecting important misspecifications in Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis. In M. Wiberg, S. A. Culpepper, R. Janssen, J. González, & D. Molenaar (Eds.), Quantitative psychology: The 83rd annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, New York, NY. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Wu, W. (2014). The unified approach for model evaluation in structural equation modeling. Doctoral dissertation in quantitative psychology from the University of Kansas. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Wu, W., & Little, T. D. (2013). Taking into account sampling variability of model selection indices: A parametric bootstrap approach. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 48, 168-169 (Abstract). Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S. & Schneider, W. J. (2010). Efficient sample size for power and desired accuracy in Cohen's d estimation in two-group cluster randomized design. Master Thesis in quantitative psychology from the Illinois State University. More Details.
Wiratchai, N., Ruengtragul, A., Jetchamnongnuch, W., Pornprasertmanit, P., Katechum, A., Pranompont, S., et al. (2009). Meta-analysis of Thai education quailty. Bangkok, Thailand: Office of the Education Council, Ministry of Education, Thailand. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Suttiwan, P., Iamsupasit, S., Pisitsungkagarn, K., Lawpoonpat, C., Ariyabuddhiphongs, K., & Huansuriya, T. (2008). The evaluation project of students' moral enhancement projects: Attitudes and behaviors . Bangkok, Thailand: Office of the Education Council, Ministry of Education, Thailand. More Details.
Lonhlam, S., Suttiwan, P., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (2008). Relationships among trait anxiety, optimism, and self-esteem of university students. Journal of Health Research, 22, 91-96. Link. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (2007). Manual of writing in psychology. Bangkok, Thailand: Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University. Paper.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Huansuriya, T. (December, 2006). Prediction of substance abuse patients' adherence to therapy by patient satisfaction, patients' attitude towards the therapy: A case study of Thanyarak Institute. Proceedings of the East-West Psychological Science Research Center, 6, 19-27. Part of Senior project for graduating in bachelor degree of psychology from the Chulalongkorn University. More Details
Pornprasertmanit, S., Ariyabuddhipongs, K., Raweepattarakul, J., Srijaratrung, W., Patarawareekul, C., Komenake, P., et al. (December, 2004). Study of cheating behavior in Thai undergraduate students. Proceedings of the East-West Psychological Science Research Center, 4, 73-86. More Details
Pornprasertmanit, S. (March, 2022). Psychological Testing Tools. Invited talk, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (December, 2021). Research Proposal Writing Techniques. Invited talk, Rabi Bhadanasak Research and Development Institute, Court of Justice, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation.
Sriutaisuk, S., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (May, 2017). Comparing Methods for Adding Control Variables in Structural Equation Modeling. Paper presented at the Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference, Storrs, CT. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (January, 2016). Missing data handling. Invited talk, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Kelley, K. (October, 2015). Confidence intervals for population reliability coefficients: Evaluation of methods, recommendations, and software for homogeneous composite measures. Invited talk, Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Wu, W. (October, 2015). The unified approach for model evaluation in structural equation modeling. Invited talk, Department of Educational Research and Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation.
Schoemann, A. M., Pornprasertmanit, S., & Miller, P. (May, 2014). semTools: Useful tools for SEM with R. Paper presented at the Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference, Storrs, CT. Presentation. Code. Package Link.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Schoemann, A. M., & Miller, P. (May, 2014). simsem: SIMulated Structural Equation Modeling in R. Paper presented at the Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference, Storrs, CT. Presentation. Code. Package Link.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (April, 2014). The unified approach for model evaluation in structural equation modeling. Invited talk, Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis, & Policy, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (December, 2013). Mediation. Invited talk, Faculty of Psychlogy, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation. Example SPSS Data. Practice SPSS Data. R Script.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Wu, W. (September, 2013). Improve the use of practical fit indices in structural equation modeling. Presentation given at the University of Kansas Quantitative Psychology Weekly Colloquium series, Lawrence, KS.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Wu, W. (April, 2013). Statistical inference from nonrandom samples in psychological studies. Presentation given at the University of Kansas Quantitative Psychology Weekly Colloquium series, Lawrence, KS.
Little, T. D., Schoemann, A. M., Pornprasertmanit, S., & Miller, P. (October, 2012). simsem: SIMulated Structural Equation Modeling in R. Presentation given at the Tenth Annual Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation, Handout.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Wu, W., & Little, T. D. (October, 2012). Taking into account sampling variability of model selection indices: A parametric bootstrap approach. Poster (with honorable mention) presented at the Tenth Annual Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Graduate Student Pre-conference, Vancouver, Canada. Presentation, Example Code
Pornprasertmanit, S., Wu, W., & Little, T. D. (July, 2012). Using a parametric bootstrap approach for nested model comparisons in structural equation modeling. Presentation given at the 77th International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Lincoln, NE. Presentation, Example Code
Schoemann, A. M., Pornprasertmanit, S., & Miller, P. J. (July, 2012). simsem: Simulated structural equation modeling in R. Presentation given at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Lincoln, NE. Presentation, Example Code
Pornprasertmanit, S., Wu, W., & Little, T. D. (May, 2012). Monte Carlo Approach to Model Fit Evaluation in Structural Equation Modeling: How to Specify Trivial Misspecification. Poster presented at the APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. Paper, Example Code
Schoemann, A. M., Little, T. D., Rhemtulla, M., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (May, 2012). From discrete conditions to continuous factors: Rethinking methodological simulations. Presentation given at the Modern Modeling Methods Conference, Storrs, CT. Paper, Example Code
Boulton, A.*, Pornprasermanit, S.*, Jorgensen, T. D.*, & Hughes, R.* (April, 2012). Recent advances in model evaluation. To be presented at the University of Kansas Quantitative Psychology Weekly Colloquium series, Lawrence, KS. Presentations
Schoemann, A. M., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (February, 2012). simsem: An R package for the future generation of SEM. Paper presented at the weekly colloquium in the Center of Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas.More Details
Pornprasertmanit, S., Lee, J. & Preacher, K. J. (August, 2011). The effects of item intraclass correlation on multilevel confirmatory factor analysis: Is ignoring multilevel structure ever justified? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. Paper
Lee, J., Pornprasertmanit, S. & Preacher, K. J. (August, 2011). Type I Error and Power for Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Detecting Cross-level Measurement and Structural Invariance. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Kelley, K., & Pornprasertmanit, S. (July, 2011). An evaluation of confidence intervals of composite reliability coefficients. Paper presented at Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Miami, FL.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Lee, J. (April, 2011). Is ignoring multilevel structure in confirmatory factor analysis ever justified? Paper presented at the first CRMDA workgroup symposium series in the Center of Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Wu, W., & Little, T. D. (April, 2011). Say goodbye to cutoffs: Using empirical sampling distributions of fit indices to determine appropriate level of model fits in structural equation modeling. Paper presented at the weekly colloquium in the Center of Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Schneider, W. J. (October, 2010). Efficient sample size for power and desired accuracy in Cohen's d estimation in two-condition cluster randomized design. Paper presented at the weekly colloquium in the Center of Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas. More Details.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (March, 2010). Constructing confidence interval of any parameters in structural equation modeling. Presentation given at the Quantitative Professional Seminar at the Department of Psychology, Illinois State University. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S., & Schneider, W. J. (October, 2009). Sample size estimation for two-group cluster randomized designs. Presentation given at the Quantitative Professional Seminar at the Department of Psychology, Illinois State University. More Details.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (January, 2009). Sample size for desired accuracy in Cohen's d estimation in multilevel designs. Presentation given at the Quantitative Professional Seminar at the Department of Psychology, Illinois State University. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Iamsupasit, S., Sutthiwan, P. Pisitsugkagarn, K., Ariyabuddhipongs, K., Laopoonphat, C., et al. (October, 2008) The evaluation results of students' moral enhancement projects. Presentation given at the Thai Ministry of Education, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Iamsupasit, S., Sutthiwan, P. Pisitsugkagarn, K., Ariyabuddhipongs, K., Laopoonphat, C., et al. (December, 2007) The progress report of the evaluation project of students' moral enhancement projects. Presentation given at the Thai Ministry of Education, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S., Iamsupasit, S., Sutthiwan, P. Pisitsugkagarn, K., Ariyabuddhipongs, K., Laopoonphat, C., et al. (August, 2007) The data collection for the evaluation project of students' moral enhancement projects. Presentation given at the Thai Ministry of Education, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (September, 2007). How to test and assess student morality. Invited presentation at the Conference of the Moral Development, Ministry of Education, Bangkok, Thailand. Presentation.
Pornprasertmanit, S. (August, 2007) Descriptive statistics. Presentation given for the job talk at the Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Presentation.
Invited Interviews
Thai children and their bright future. Transcribe (pp. 7-20).
Radio Broadcasts
Getting prepared for job application (June 2-13, 2008). Transcribe.
Complexity of morality (September 24-28, 2007). Transcribe.
Job application form: More than what you think (August 27-31, 2007). Transcribe.
Is human decision reasonable (June 4-8, 2007)? Transcribe.
Random Unpublished Paper
These are papers or presentations since my undergraduate courses and random ideas along the ways. I post them in this website for any potential audience. If any readers would like to cite or continue any of my works, please contact me at email beforehand.
Factors Affecting the Desire to Study in Graduate Level in Psychology that Emphasize Research Areas among Undergraduate Students. (2010). Paper. SPSS Data. SPSS Syntax. LISREL Syntax.
Parsimony Indices. (2010). Outline.
Reliability Generalization of the Implicit Association Test. (2009). Paper. Data. Article Summary.
Why is reliability index less than or equal to 1? (2009). Note.
How gender, financial situation, and desired relationship length affect mate preferences. (2009). Proposal. Result. Presentation. Questionnaire. Data. Syntax.
Does Unaware Associative Learning Exist? Behavioral, Biological, and Theoretical Considerations. (2008). Paper.
Shifting from implicit to explicit knowledge. (2008). Paper. Data. Syntax.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research Methods. (2008). Paper.
Learning theory. (2007). Paper.
A review of literature in consumer satisfaction. (2006). Paper. Presentation.
The Use of Hierarchical Linear Model for Explaining Variance in 360 Degree Feedback (2006). Paper.
Psychologist and Psychological Support for Disaster Victims (2005). Paper.
Relationship between Age, Frequencies of Exercise, Frequencies of Using Health Care Service, and Health Perception in Adults (2005). Paper. Data. Questionnaire.
Prediction of Insurance Sales Performance by Biodata Technique (2005). Proposal. Presentation.
Cognitive Bias in Performance Appriasal (2005). Paper. Presentation.
Performance Management in My Perspective (2005). Presentation.
Report on Attitude Change and Acceptance for Ex-patients of drug uses (2005). Result. Measures Construction. Tryout Questionnaire: Patient and Significant Person. Real Questionnaire: Patient and Significant Person. Tryout Data: Patient and Significant Person. Real Data: Patient and Significant Person. Syntax.
Gender Differences in Social Support (2005). Paper. Poster. Flyer. Questionnaire. Data.
Critics for the Times Higher Education, 2005 World University Rankings (2005). Paper. Presentation. New Ranking.
Clinical Interview Form (2004). Intake Form.
Article's Summary
These are papers or presentations summarizing others' publication. I post them in this website for any potential audience. Please refer to the original articles if readers are interested in a particular topic.
Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. (Asparouhov, & Muthen, 2009; Presented in 2011). Presentation.
Sample Size in Factor Analysis. (MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang, & Hong, 1999; Presented in 2011). Presentation.
Culture and Self-Concept Stability: Consistency Across and Within Contexts Among Asian Americans and European Americans. (English & Chen, 2008; Commented in 2008). Comment.
Does Culture Influence What and How We Think? (Oyserman & Lee, 2008; Presented in 2008). Presentation. Outline.
Gimme the ball (Goubet & Clifton, 1998; Presented in 2005). Paper. Presentation.
Thai translation of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code Of Conduct (APA, 2002; Presented in 2005). Paper.
Gender Difference in Perception of Stressors and Utilization of Social Support among University Students (Day & Livingstone, 2003; Presented in 2005). Paper.
Managing in time of change: 24 lessons for leading individuals and teams through change (Maginn, 2006; Presented in 2006). Paper.
A meta-analytic examination of the correlates of the three dimensions of job burnout (Lee & Ashforth, 1996; Presented in 2006). Paper.
High performance work systems and occupational safety (Zacharatos, Barling, & Iverson, 2005; Presented in 2006). Paper.